Enjoy Europe’s capital with our 3-Day Brussels Itinerary

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the headquarters of European Union, is a quaint city dotted with winding streets and Gothic architecture. This truly stunning city, often called the “Capital of Europe”, has it all for a wonderful holiday.

Enjoy Europe’s capital with our 3-Day Brussels Itinerary

With the help of our 3-Day Brussels itinerary explore this magnificent destination like never before.

Day 1

  • Begin your first day of Brussels trip with a visit to the Grand Place, one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It offers a fascinating insight into the city’s history. You will come across cobbled streets and traditional buildings. The Grand Place is also home to the Town Hall, a Gothic-styled building from where the Mayor of Brussels functions. Spend around 3 hours soaking the vibrant atmosphere of this area.
  • Visit the Musée de la Ville de Bruxelles or Brussels City Museum on the Grand Place, opposite the Town Hall. It is one of the most popular museums in Brussels dedicated to its history and folklore. The models, photos, engravings, tapestries, sculptures and paintings appropriately reflect how Brussels looked like in the Middle Ages. The museum was inaugurated in 1887 and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You will need to spend 2 hours here.
  • You just can’t miss visiting the city’s urinating mascot Manneken Pis. This popular landmark is essentially a bronze fountain sculpture showing a naked little boy urinating into the fountain's basin. It is situated in the heart of Brussels and continues to puzzle tourists even today. Spend around 1 hour visiting here.
  • Make the Atomium your next stop. This famous attraction is situated on Avenue de l’Atomium, and was originally built for the Brussels World Expo held in 1958. It has now been converted to a museum with five habitable spheres consisting of exhibit halls and other public spaces. The restaurant in the top sphere offers scenic views of Brussels. Plan to spend about 1 hour here.   
  • End your day by visiting the Palace of Justice or Place Poelaert (Court House) to enjoy the beautiful sunset with your sweetheart and soaking up panoramic views of the city.


Day 2

  • After enjoying a filling breakfast on the 2nd day, start your city exploration with a visit to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts. The history of Brussels is appropriately showcased through the extensive collection of sculptures, drawings and paintings from world-famous sculptors and painters. Plan to spend 2 hours visiting the iconic museum.
  • Next, head to the Musical Instruments Museum or Musée des instruments de musique de Bruxelles. Situated in central Brussels, this music museum is essentially a part of the Royal Museums for Art and History. It is renowned world over for its fascinating collection of over 8,000 musical instruments. It’s a must-visit for everyone, particularly music fans. You need to spend around 2 hours here.
  • If you are an avid guzzler or a beer aficionado then visit Moeder Lambic on Place Fontainas in the afternoon for some craft beers. It’s absolutely a good introduction to Belgian beer. Spend about 1 hour enjoying your craft beers here.
  • Spend the remaining part of the day at the bustling Boulevard de Waterloo. It is one of the finest places in Brussels for high-end shopping. Whether you are looking for Burberry’s trench coats or Louis Vuitton bag, you will find all these and more from world-famous brands. You will come across irresistible menswear, womenswear, footwear and accessories at the big-brand stores.


Day 3

It’s the final day of your trip and time to bid adieu to Brussels. Begin your day to a delicious meal treat at one of the best breakfast spots in the city. And, then start exploring that has been left out during your brief sojourn.

  • Consider visiting the European Parliament building in the city. It’s a must-visit attraction for every tourist visiting Brussels. The European Parliament receives about 300,000 visitors every year. Guided tours are also conducted. Spend around 2 hours visiting the parliament building and know about its functions.
  • Round off your trip with a visit to the Place du Luxembourg, also called “Place Lux”, just opposite to the European Parliament. This square in the European Quarter of Brussels has become a popular hotspot for a happening nightlife, especially on Thursday and Friday nights. With some nice cafes and restaurants, it’s a great place for hangouts in Brussels.

Brussels with its rich cultural history, palaces, museums, monuments and great architecture is forever welcoming. Know more about this wonderful city through our Brussels Travel Guide. You just won’t stop from appreciating and falling in love with it.

Tags: Europe
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